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Golf Car Storage in Miami and Boynton Beach, FL

As a full-service golf car dealership, the team at Southern Golf Cars covers all the bases for our customers. From new and used sales to parts and services, we do it all, including golf car storage if your vehicle won’t be used for an extended period. Protecting your investment is essential, and we offer a safe and secure option for complete peace of mind when you’re out of town.

ladies shopping with golf cart

Short and Long-Term Storage Options

Whether you’re heading back to your home state for the summer, traveling abroad for a nice vacation, or your company’s seasonal golf cars won’t be used for a while, we will store your golf car to provide peace of mind that it’s in a safe place, protected from the environment, and securely locked up. Customers use our storage options for:

  • Vacation
  • Traveling
  • Seasonal Business
  • Returning Home for the Summer
  • And More
golf cart

Why Choose Us for Storage?

We are your best choice for golf car storage in the area for various reasons. While you might find a storage facility that claims it can store your vehicle, it’s essential to understand our business is committed to golf cars. We take the proper steps to prepare your vehicle for long-term storage to ensure it’s ready to go when you return for it. We are a family-owned business, and with certified technicians on hand, we can handle any of the maintenance needs your vehicle might be due for while it’s not in use. We guarantee your property will be in the best hands.

Contact Us About Golf Car Storage

If you have a second home or spend a lot of time traveling, keeping your golf car safe while you’re out of town will reduce stress and worry while you’re gone. When you store your golf car with us at Southern Golf Cars, you won’t lie awake at night wondering if it’s safe or constantly checking in with neighbors for updates. We’ll take care of everything and provide the peace of mind you need.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today