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Florida’s Premier Golf Car Dealer

At Southern Golf Cars, we are committed to helping every customer find the perfect golf car to meet their needs. Whether you’re looking for an eye-catching vehicle that will turn heads along the beach or you want convenient and practical transportation around your community, we have an option within your budget. Browse our new and pre-owned golf car inventory online or visit one of our two showrooms in Miami and Boynton Beach for a test drive today.

red golf cart on beach

Golf Car Options for Every Lifestyle

Over the years, golf car manufacturing has expanded far beyond the fairways with options for more passengers, luxury designs, off-road capabilities, and more. Choose between energy sources, from environmentally friendly electric to more aggressive gas cars. In our inventory, you’ll find options such as:

  • New Inventory
  • Used Options
  • Two, Four, or Six-Passenger Capacity
  • Electric Operation
  • Gas-Powered
electric golf cart

We Are Authorized Dealers of the Leading Brands

When you visit either of our locations, you can shop confidently, knowing we’re an authorized golf car dealer of the most trusted brands in the industry. This designation is important for many reasons. For one, you’re guaranteed to speak with a professional with extensive knowledge about the vehicles we sell and can answer all your questions accurately. In addition, we can offer manufacturer’s warranties, authorized maintenance, and part replacement and provide you with the best deal for your golf car. We are an authorized dealer for:

Visit One of Our Two Locations in Florida Today

Find a Southern Golf Cars showroom location near you in Miami or Boynton Beach, FL to view our expansive inventory of new and used golf cars and take one for a test drive. Each location offers a great selection with Star golf cars available exclusively at the Miami location and Club Cars exclusively at Boynton Beach. We offer financing options to help you enjoy a new golf car today while paying for it with affordable payments over time. Contact us to learn more about these options.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today