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DIY Maintenance for Electric and Gas Golf Cars

As a reputable golf cart dealership, our entire team at Southern Golf Cars understands the importance of regular maintenance for electric and gas golf carts. Maintaining these vehicles ensures optimal performance, longevity, and, most importantly, safety when driving within your community or on the course. Whether an electric or gas-powered cart, proper upkeep guarantees smooth operation, extends the lifespan of the vehicle, and enhances the overall experience for the owner.

golf cart

Electric-Powered Golf Cars Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your electric golf cart doesn’t need to be a tedious task. With a few simple DIY steps, you can keep your cart running smoothly and prevent potential issues from escalating between your annual service schedule. Stay on top of things with these tips:

  • Check and top up the battery water levels regularly using distilled water, and be careful not to overfill
  • Wearing gloves and eye protection, clean the battery connections to remove dirt and corrosion
  • Check the tire pressure regularly to get the most mileage out of tires
  • Inspect your cart’s brake pads one to two times each year for safety
  • Be sure to stay current with your annual professional service at our dealership to ensure minor problems can be easily repaired
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DIY Maintenance Tips for Gas-Powered Golf Cars

Maintaining your gas-powered golf car between service visits can be completed at home with simple DIY techniques, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. If you want to handle this yourself, keep these on your maintenance checklist:

  • Inspect the engine for oil leaks and check the oil levels at least once a month
  • Check the drive, starter, and generator belts to look for signs of wear or damage
  • Clean the cart’s air filter every six months to enhance engine performance
  • Inspect the linkages from the accelerator pedal to the carburetor, which is a critical step in older models of gas-powered carts
  • Check tire pressure and add air where necessary for a comfortable ride and even tread wear
  • Inspect your cart’s brake pads 1-2 times each year for safe driving
  • Arrange annual service checks with our service team, and if you have an older cart, schedule them bi-annually

We’re Here to Keep Your Golf Car in Excellent Condition

Neglecting maintenance on your golf car can lead to costly repairs, diminished performance, and potential safety hazards. Both new and old carts require preventative maintenance and periodic servicing, and our customers trust us to provide guidance and support to keep their golf carts running at their best. Whether you need help with DIY tips at home or need to schedule a service appointment, you can always count on us. Regular preventive maintenance is the key to keeping your golf cart in peak condition.

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