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Lease a Golf Car or Personal Transportation Vehicle in Florida

Just like an automobile, golf car ownership isn’t for everyone. Some want to enjoy the convenience of a modern-looking vehicle without managing service and repairs as parts age. At Southern Golf Cars, we offer late-model Yamaha and Club Car leasing options to get you into the driver’s seat without the extended relationship or responsibility of ownership. Ready to get behind the wheel? Contact us to learn more about golf car leasing.

golf cart

Wells Fargo Golf Car Leasing

Our leasing program through Wells Fargo allows you to enjoy a brand-new golf car with a 3-year warranty without purchasing the vehicle upfront. Choose from an electric or gas model with our onsite monthly services available by our certified technicians. Our lease terms are flexible to meet your needs, with options for three to five-year commitments.

six seater golf cart

Why Lease a Golf Car?

Shorter-term leases are an excellent way to spend more time with a specific golf car model than you would with a rental to determine if you really like it. With the benefit of signing a different lease every few years, you’ll get to sample the finest models available. Our lease options include late model Yamaha and Club Car golf and utility cars. We have cars in stock, and they can be available, fully customized to your specifications, within seven to 10 days. We’ll discuss all the accessories available to add to your vehicle to find the perfect fit to serve your front office, maintenance crew, security team, or residential use.

Speak With a Leasing Agent Today

Contact Southern Golf Cars in Miami or Boynton Beach to speak with a leasing agent and get more details about our golf car leasing program. We service commercial and residential customers who want the best quality golf cars for transportation without requiring ownership. You get all the great benefits and a guarantee of a new model in excellent condition for worry-free operation. Contact us today to learn more.

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