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The V4L Features a Little Lift for Added Comfort

Those who enjoy the look and appeal of Club Car’s Onward model but prefer a little more lift will find precisely what they need in the V4L. Southern Golf Cars is an authorized dealer of these beautiful personal golf cars that combine style, comfort, and automotive quality into one reliable package. With customization options available, you can add the features you need, whether you’re spending a day on the course, enjoying a weekend cruise with the family, or just interested in seeing where the road takes you.

Contact Us Customize your V4L

black golf cart

Choose From Four Bold Body Colors

Club Car products are known for their eye-catching details, sleek designs, and modern features. What onlookers typically notice first is the bold finish of these machines. Each paint job is completed with high-quality products that resist flaking and withstand the sun’s powerful UV rays for years of shine. Standard color choices include:

  • Molded-In Black
  • Molded-In White
  • Metallic Candy Apple Red
  • Metallic Sapphire Blue
yellow golf cart in greenhouse

Superior Features Focused on Style and Safety

Think of the V4L as a golf car with a subtle attitude. Take advantage of extra lift and rugged tires to do more than a standard golf car allows. Plus, to put it simply, the V4L just looks cool, and check out these desirable features.

  • Choice of a powerful 48V electric motor or Kohler gas engine
  • Fully customizable packages
  • Premium 14” mercury wheels and Kraken all-terrain tires
  • 2-year warranty
  • Headlights, taillights, brake lights, turn signals, and horn
  • Optimized console technology with optional USB charging console and simple battery display

Finance a Club Car L4V at Southern Golf Cars

You can own a brand-new L4V golf car through the different financing options available at Southern Golf Cars in Florida. Hitting the streets for a casual cruise and enjoying the open-air breeze or golfing in style is an experience you won’t regret in an L4V. With certified technicians in our service department, you can be confident there’s a team nearby to keep your vehicle in excellent condition throughout the year. Contact us to learn more about L4V options today.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today