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Transport Passengers in Style With the Club Car Tempo

Southern Golf Cars is your local retailer in Boynton Beach, FL of the Club Car Tempo, a stylish and comfortable golf car that shows you care about your passengers and their comfort. The updated and redesigned Tempo is a new spin on a classic, featuring roomy seating for four in this smooth ride with 13 horsepower and a top speed of 15 mph.

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Get a Closer Look at the Features of the Tempo 2+2

Whether transporting guests, employees, or family members, you’ll navigate easily even through the smallest spaces with a compact body that boasts the tightest turn radius in the golf car industry. The two rear seats have fold-down capability to increase cargo space when not used for passengers to haul equipment, supplies, or personal belongings. Choose from a high-powered gas engine or a more sustainable electric engine that will reduce the need for common motor repairs and maintenance.

A Passenger Golf Car Suitable for Business or Personal Use

The Tempo is a versatile passenger golf car built for guest transport in commercial or residential settings. Whether you’re taking clients to an event space or bringing your family to the neighbors for a cookout, we guarantee a comfortable and enjoyable ride for all. Ideal environments for the Tempo include:

  • College Campuses
  • Corporate Headquarters
  • Country Clubs
  • Golf Courses
  • Special Events
  • Social Gatherings
  • Residential Communities

Specification Highlights

Get under the hood and see what makes these vehicles operate so reliably and smoothly.

  • Steering – Self-compensating double reduction helical rack & pinion
  • Front Suspension – Independent leaf spring with dual hydraulic shocks
  • Brakes – Rear wheel mechanical drum
  • Body and Finish – Molded-in color
  • Tires – 18 x 8.50-8, 4-ply rated, premium treads

Passenger Comfort and Reliable Transportation

Visit Southern Golf Cars, Florida’s premier dealer of exceptional quality golf cars, to get an in-person look at the popular Tempo from Club Car. We are a full-service dealership that offers sales and service and has various financing options when purchasing a new passenger transport vehicle for your home or business. Visit our showroom today.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today