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Shop Our Authorized Shelby Cobra Dealership in Florida

As a family-owned and operated golf car dealer with locations in Miami and Boynton Beach, FL, Southern Golf Cars is committed to offering our customers the best, which is why we’ve partnered with Shelby Cobra to become an authorized dealer of their recreational and utility carts. The company has been manufacturing golf carts for more than 25 years and continues to incorporate the latest technology and environmentally friendly energy options into these fine vehicles.

Shelby G.T. 500

The Shelby G.T. 500 is a two, four, or six-passenger cart available in six different color patterns. Featuring a maintenance-free brushless motor, you can enjoy cruising around without the typical repairs that come with other vehicles. Highlights of the standard features include:

  • Lockable front trunk
  • Regenerative four-wheel front disc/rear drum hydraulic brakes
  • 9” Bluetooth screen
  • Audio and video streaming
  • Backup camera
  • 6” built-in floor speakers
  • Three on-dash USB outlets
  • Smartphone Bluetooth connection
  • And much, much more
golf cart

Shelby Limited Edition G.T. 500 Cobra

The Limited Edition Cobra series features a more powerful battery and a three-year warranty for the 2-passenger and a 7-year warranty for the 4-passenger. Choose from a 2-seater or 4-seater model to ensure you have the room you need when hitting the road. This limited offering features the same fantastic highlights as the original with an optional Signature Series upgrade.

Florida’s Best Selection of Golf Cars and Personal Vehicles

No matter which location you visit, you’re guaranteed to speak with knowledgeable and helpful sales representatives who will discuss your needs, goals, and budgets to educate you on the various options we have available at our dealership. We have an extensive inventory of new and pre-owned golf cars and can help you customize your purchase to put your unique stamp on it. Stop by and see us today.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today