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Garia Luxury Golf Cars for Sale in Florida

Garia is the world’s leading manufacturer of zero-emission luxury golf cars and personal vehicles, and Southern Golf Cars in Florida is proud to be an authorized dealer of these stunning products. If you spend a lot of time on the golf course or driving locally, comfort and style should be at the top of your wish list. Each Garia model includes incredibly crafted details and highlights the bold and unique innovations this brand continues to roll out. It’s a golf cart that feels like a car.

silver golf cart

Choose From Street Legal and Non-Street Legal Golf Carts

The Garia Via model is available as a street legal low speed vehicle (LVN) or non-street legal personal transportation vehicle (PTV) to meet the varying needs of our customer base. With seating for two, four, or six passengers, you can find an option ideal for a party of two or larger groups. In either case, you can expect luxurious designs and attractive features far beyond any other golf car you’ve ridden.

  • Street Legal LVN – These luxury rides have a top speed of 25 mph and are US Department of Transportation-approved to be driven on streets with speed limits of 35 mph, expanding your traveling opportunities.
  • Non-Street Legal PTV – For more local, community, or campus-based transportation, PTVs are a fantastic option with top speeds of 19 mph, yet all the high-end features of the bespoke LVN model.

Customize Your Garia With Upgraded Package Options

It’s luxury, after all, so why not go all out and upgrade with premium features that will make you want to drive on forever? Package options available and their highlights include:

  • Plus Package – Heated windshield, interior light, premium cluster
  • Premium Package – Expanded color choices, sport seats, refrigerator
  • Mansory Collection Package – Mansory steering wheel, cup holder, bumper pin, and decoration panel
  • Black Package – Silky matte black finish on the roof, armrests, and steering wheel, and a golf bag carrier with the 2-seater
  • White Package – Shiny white finish on the roof, armrests, and steering wheel, and a golf bag carrier on the 2-seater

Garia Passenger Vehicle Models

Garia passenger vehicles are available in different configurations to accommodate various passenger requirements. No matter which option you settle on, you can expect the latest trends in personal vehicle transportation with plenty of leg and seat room for guest happiness.

  • Via 2-Seater – Room for a driver and a passenger at their side
  • Via 2+2 – Featuring two forward and two rear-facing seats
  • Via 4-Seater – A front and back row of forward-facing seats
  • Via 4+2 – Two front forward-facing, two middle row forward-facing, and a third row of rear-facing seats
  • Supersport – A two-seater with the most powerful motor found in a golf cart for excellent acceleration

Test Drive a Garia Luxury Golf Car in Florida

Do these options sound too good to be true? Enjoy the reality of them all and stop by Southern Golf Cars in Boynton Beach or Miami, FL, and test drive a Garia Via golf car today. You’ll be amazed at the intricate details and high-quality of these luxury vehicles, designed for the discerning owner who prefers to ride in style. Contact us to learn more.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today