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Shop for the CRU NEV in Florida

Are you ready to take the neighborhood by storm? Southern Golf Cars is proud to be a retailer of the CRU NEV (neighborhood electric vehicle), offering customers in Florida the ability to turn everyday, routine activities into an adventure. Enjoy cruising the neighborhood streets with the open-air design, comfortable and flexible seating, center table, and plenty of room for all.

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cru golf cart

What Is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle?

The CRU is a street-legal neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) powered by an environmentally friendly electric battery to travel safely through neighborhood roads. NEVs have a max speed capability of 25 mph and a maximum loaded weight of 3,000 pounds. They are categorized by the US Department of Transportation as low speed vehicles (LSV), designating them as legal on roads posted with a 35 mph speed limit which allows vehicle owners to travel just about anywhere in the neighborhood.

cru golf cart

Highlights of the CRU

Not only does the CRU turn heads and catch eyes throughout the neighborhood, but it’s also an incredibly comfortable ride emphasizing the social aspect of neighborhood friends and family outings. The rear bench seat also has a removable center table which can be used for picnicking or as a workstation. Other highlights include:

  • Seat belt anchorage requirements that meet Occupant Protective Structure for rollover protection
  • Easy onboard charging with supplied AC cord that plugs into a 110V to 120V outlet
  • Full charge reached in six to 14 hours (depending on battery level at charge time)
  • Average range of 15-20 miles per full charge
  • Made in the USA

Test Drive a CRU NEV at Southern Golf Cars

Our Boynton Beach, FL location is an authorized dealership for the fantastic golf cars by Club Car, and the CRU NEV is quickly becoming one of their most popular models for homeowners who want a local transportation option that’s hassle-free, comfortable, and won’t cost a lot in gas. Want to find out what the excitement is all about? Contact us today to schedule a test drive of these cutting-edge neighborhood electric vehicles.

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