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Atlas Golf Carts at Southern Golf Cars

In our quest to provide the best to Florida residents, we offer modern designs and various models of Atlas Golf Carts. Escape from the ordinary and experience the extraordinary in these prestigious vehicles. Their unwavering commitment to revolutionizing the golf cart industry has led them to create the pinnacle of personal transportation in your community or on the greens. With over 70 years of combined expertise, their team of veteran industry professionals has meticulously crafted one of the most advanced golf carts ever imagined.

Contact Us Build Your Own Atlas

golf cart

Innovative Features and Modern Technology

Dive into a world of unparalleled features and benefits that redefine how you commute. The Atlas boasts a cutting-edge lithium battery pack, providing an extensive range that effortlessly covers all your traveling needs. Say goodbye to limitations and embrace a cart offering more locking storage, wireless phone charging, and an immersive sound system – all standard features. The company’s design philosophy is rooted in meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a distinctive and stylish cart that truly stands apart from the rest.

black golf cart

A Powerful Cart With Important Safety Features

Experience unrivaled power with the Atlas, as each cart is equipped with a powerful AC drivetrain. Safety is always a priority, which is why every Atlas comes standard with four-wheel hydraulic disc brakes and three-point seat belts for each passenger. However, comfort should never be compromised, so you’ll find finely designed contoured diamond-stitched seats and ample standard-size cupholders for all passengers.

Visit Us to Find Your Atlas Golf Cart

Everyone has quality at the top of their list, and the Atlas is built to last a lifetime. Thoroughly tested for reliability, this cart promises unrivaled value in the industry. Additionally, the company’s commitment to sustainability is evident, as all Atlas vehicles are 100% emissions-free, powered exclusively by electricity. Visit us to speak with a representative about your golf cart needs.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today