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See What Our Clients Are Saying

I very highly recommend Southern Golf Cars for all your golf cart needs!! Peter was exceptional in his knowledge with golf carts as well as customer service. He is a true, honest professional who will lead you in the right direction. I was not expecting to purchase my golf cart as quick as I did, but after only two hours one afternoon speaking with Peter, the paperwork was signed. I VERY HIGHLY RECOMMEND giving Southern Golf Cars a chance!!

Justin Rooks

HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!! Was in the market for a 6 seater gas cart and randomly searching at 6am one morning… put in an inquiry and within minutes got a call from Peter(the owner) and before I knew it I had the cart of a lifetime! They took care of literally every single detail involving the cart and dropped it off to straight to me with tags and all! Very professional establishment with fantastic inventory and knowledge. Thanks to Peter and his staff and I look forward to sending him more buisness that he deserves.

Steven Hashemi

After forty years of dealing with Southern Golf Cars, we have received exceptional cars and exceptional service with the high integrity. We highly recommend Southern Golf Cars!

Judith Radice

I had a fantastic experience buying my cart at Southern Golf cart. I had never owned a cart before and I was a little anxious on what to get. The owner Peter was very helpful. He didn't try and upsell me and all his suggestions were spot on. He was always available for me to call him and believe me I called him a lot! I am getting a ton of compliments already. Another good part of the experience was the friendly staff. They communicate very well and under promised and overperformed. I only wish they sold cars as well!

Ross Nadelman

Peter was excellent in providing information about the golf car that we wanted. Pricing, delivery and all details of the transaction were done professionally and timely. I would highly recommend Southern Golf Cars to anyone needing one.

Russ Etherington

Peter was knowledgeable and their carts were of great quality. I was probably the fastest sale they've ever had. Walked in, he told me the best they had and paid. It was that easy. Great, honest team.

Andrew Cadwell

My experience doing business with southern golf cars has been nothing short of excellent. The original sale was made very easy. The service department has provided very timely service. Highly recommend working with their team.

Ethan Fey

Club Car and Yamaha. Best brands and big selections. Nice people and great service staff. Only 2 dealers like this in South Florida.

Eric Larson

After receiving my lifted club car I have nothing but good things to say about Peter and his crew. Excellent service! Highly recommend going to check the showroom out.

Bertram Wilson

Peter and his crew are the best. Excellent service, very knowledgeable, fair and reasonable. Best place to buy a golf cart in Florida. Will only go here and will keep coming back.

Joe Sherman

We bought a lifted clubcar and absolutely love it. Southern Golf Cars is the best place to help with golf car needs. Peter and his team are very friendly, helpful, and honest.

Alissa Sage

Purchase experience was great. It starts with a clean and well stocked showroom. Sales representative was very professional and delivery above expectations.

Richard Fortin

Excellent all around. Had a service call today. The gentlemen were prompt and quick. Taking into account my time or lack thereof. Highly recommend Pete and his team at Southern Golf Cars.

David Reiff

Peter Weiner helped me from start to finish. I am super happy with my club car. Peter helped me customize it and it is perfect. Peter made it easy and to me that was very important.

Shawn S

We were just looking for information on golf carts and options. Brett, the showroom salesperson, took the time to educate us on the options. He was very professional, knowledgeable, and courteous. It was a very positive experience.

Jim Dileo

When we looked at most of the golf cart dealerships in the Delray area, it became an easy choice to go with Southern Golf Cars. Peter the owner was able to move his inventory schedule, and we got the car we wanted. It was delivered as promised, and after I somehow I couldn't get the cart to take a charge, they came out the next morning and showed me again what was necessary. I highly recommend this dealer, as had a positive buying experience!

David Alpert

This place is awesome friendly, knowledgeable, professional, i went there today and picked up a bunch of parts. I went to 3 other place and no other place had everything in stock. Southern Golf Cars had everything i needed in stock. This is my new favorite store.

Robert Green

We purchased four golf cars from Southern Golf Cars in Miami, three of them in the past eight months. Jen is always amazing and very accommodating. Tito is our on-site service man. He is very knowledgeable and always resolves the issue. Southern Golf Cars in Miami has always exceeded our expectations. I highly recommend them for all your golf car needs.

Susan Lorie

I would not go any where else any more! After several bad experiences elsewhere, i took my golf car to Southern Golf Cars. The were welcoming, knowledgeable, thorough, and very reasonable in the pricing. The owner was out the day i went in, but his staff took excellent care of me and returned my cart the next day as promised. Its a 2 hour drive for me to service at Southern, but well worth the effort compared to dealing with the others.

Edward Hill

Great service, good price. They came to my house, replaced batteries for a pretty reasonable price. They even came back and fixed the battery watering system. Few honest and nice people left like this in Miami. Highly recommended and will be calling them in the future.

Francisco Pernas

I've used this company on three occasions. Lift kit and tires, and two small repairs. They have always been courteous, on time, and reasonable in their prices. On this last occasion, they came out to pick up the cart, and actually found and fixed the problem on the spot.

Octavio Martinez

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