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Family Owned and Operated

Southern Golf Cars is a family-owned and operated golf car sales and service organization. We are pleased to serve the greater South Florida area with locations in Boynton Beach and Miami. We continue to be the one-stop shop for all golf cart needs with new and used cars, leases, services, and parts. Our amazing team from reception to sales to delivery and service is the best in the business. Our fully trained and certified service technicians can diagnose and fix all brands of golf cars. We strive to make sure each of our customers leaves our shop with a phenomenal experience and recommends us to their family and friends.

The owners, Jill and Peter philosophy are “To create long-lasting partnerships with our employees, customers, and vendors by listening, advising, collaborating, and excelling in all that we do.” Southern Golf Cars hopes to earn your business and win your trust, as we proceed to be the best and biggest golf car distributor in South Florida. Leading with integrity and a positive business ethic, we look forward to doing business with you again and again.

Thank you for shopping with Southern Golf Cars.

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